  • Flat channels

Flat metal ducts

Flat ventilation ducts are components of ventilation systems that are used to move air and direct it to different rooms. Flat ducts are typically made of metal, such as sheet steel or aluminum, and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on your requirements.

Flat ducts have a flat surface that allows easy and quick assembly and disassembly. They are often used in venting systems in residential, industrial, and public buildings because they provide an easy and convenient way to move air.

Flat ventilation ducts can be combined and shaped to suit the needs of the room. They are also available in a variety of thicknesses to suit the needs of your ventilation system and ensure proper performance and efficiency.

To sum up, flat ventilation ducts are an important element of ventilation systems that are used to move air and direct it to different rooms. They are made of metal, are easy to assemble and disassemble, and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on your requirements.